Deep Learning

Deep Learning

9 posts
Understanding the maths behind Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: What happens inside an LSTM cell?
Academy Membership Deep Learning

Understanding the maths behind Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: What happens inside an LSTM cell?

Introduction Traditional RNNs, limited by their simplistic structure, have problems retaining information over longer time periods, leading to the infamous vanishing gradient problem. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks have the impressive ability to capture and preserve long-term dependencies in sequential data. But how is an LSTM able to do this?...

Deep Learning - How the McCulloch-Pitts Neuron works
Academy Membership Deep Learning

Deep Learning - How the McCulloch-Pitts Neuron works

Introduction In this tutorial we will cover the very first and the simplest mathematical neuron model in history - the McCulloch-Pitts Neuron. We look at the architecture and functionality. History The McCulloch-Pitts-Neuron is the simplest form of a neuron model and was published in 1943 by Warren McCulloch and Walter...

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